The Littoral Zone refers to that part of a sea, lake or river that is close to the shore. For example the shore on the beach.
Tree like with Woody Stems normally with a single trunk.
Xylem cells tend to conduct water and minerals from roots to leaves. These tomatoe plants from my garden are a perfect example because they need water to survive to produce more tomatoes.
Spores can be found in many plants and ferns.
Modified leaf of a Plant is Modified leaf is an adaptation of plant meant for its own survival and adapted due to its environmental stress.
Heartwood-is the central wood in a branch or stem characterized by being composed of dead cells, more resistant to decay, generally darker and harder than the outer wood.
Grass is an example of a Niche. It is a particular role in the natural enviornment.
These plants are examples of the Calvin Cycle because they take place in the chloroplast and stroma, which you can find in a plant.
This garden plant is an example of an Autotroph because it absorbs natural light and energy through photosynthesis.
Protien-Globular-i used sugar water as an example because it is the oppisite of fibrous protiens and connot be soluble in water.
Stem-Herbaceous-is a plant that has leaves and stems that die down at the end of the growing season to the soil level. They have no persistent woody stem above ground. I used the lillies in my house as an example
Rhizome-is a characteristically horizontal stem of a plant
Xerophyte-is a plant which is able to survive in an environment with little available water or moisture. An example of this can be a house plant.
Tendril of a Plant is a slender stem- or petiole-like structure that is used by vines and lianas (climbing plants) to wrap around or to hook a support
Pollen can be found in flowers.
Keratin- Hair is an example of keritin, which is an extremely strong protein which is a major component in skin, hair, nails, hooves, horns, and teeth
A frond is basically a large divided leaf
Chitin-is the dense substance forming the indigestible outer skeleton of insects, and the material from which the walls of the mycelia are made.
Amniotic Egg- Even though this is a picture of a chickens egg, i used it to help me remember what an amniotic egg is, which is basically an egg produced by reptiles.
Adaption of Plant- plants have adaptations to help them live/grow in different places and areas.
Monday, August 16, 2010
insects: insects are a class within anthropods. Examples of insects are flies, spiders,ect...
thorn of a plant: plants have thorns to protect them from animals.Such as roses.
endotherm: a dog is an endotherm because it is a warm blooded animal.Basically any mammal or bird is considered a endotherm.
dry fruit seeds : fruit with dry seeds have their seeds in a seedpod.
amylase: saliva is a amylase that has enzymes that break down starch. So when you each food with starch the amylase in your mouth breaks it all down.
kertin: is the structural material up the outer layer of human skin.
gymnosperm: are leaves shaped like cones and are on evergreen trees. You can also find these on forests
gastropod: snails and slugs have shells over them to protect them from predators. This is a green onion its skin protects it from the different conditions.
pine cone: pine cones are grown on conifer trees. they open when dry and adn close when wet. You can also find them on the ground in many parks or any place with lots of trees.
c4 plants:Some c4 plants separate their C3 and C4 cycles by time corn just like other c4 plants is well adjusted to habitats with highday time temprature and intense sunlight
modified stem :modified stems could either be found above or underground. this plants stem grows above ground.
long day plant: lettuce is a long plant becuase it requires a long period of exposure to light
adaption of animal : squirrels adapt when they store food and stay in during winter . Birds adapt to different weathers durring the seasons.
pollinator: birds pollinate when they fly. they spread pollen around when they fly around. Bees also pollinate when they go from flower to flower.
fruit with fleshy seeds:fresh fruits have one or many seeds in them . just like this tomato
animals with segmented body: lady bugs have six legs, therefore their bodies are divided in seven segments
betesian mimicry: is a form of mimicry typified by a situation where a harmless species has evolved to imitate the warning signals of a harmful species.
deciduous leaf: deciduous leaves fall off during autumn when their purpose is finished. They are found in Asia, Europe, and North America
flower ovary: is the female reproductive part of a flower.